March 2, 2003
Volume 4, Issue 4

Megacon was absolutely awesome! We gained a lot of sources as well as information. Not to mention, we spread the word about the site!

WOOKIEE QUOTE: "Echo 3 to Echo 7, Han Ol' Buddy, do you read me?" Luke to Han Solo: Empire Strikes Back
In our newsie : Star Wars News | Site News | Calendar: Coming Events | Wookiee Link | Action Figure Review | Wookiee Poll | Costuming | Fandom | Wookiee Trivia | Six Degrees of Star Wars

Star Wars News:

*Megacon was a GREAT convention this year. The Rebel Legion and 501st were a MAJOR attraction and Peter Mayhew and Dave Prowse were great. For pics visit the Orlando Fanforce site.

*We got a bunch of Star Wars Weekends News this weekend! According to Doug Murray, Temuera Morrison and Leanna Walsman will most likely NOT attend Star Wars Weekends this year, although negotiations are taking place to get Peter Mayhew and Dave Prowse to attend. Jerry Jones (501st) is running SWW this year and he mentions that the 501st (and possibly Rebel Legion) will be major attractions this year. They will MAYBE appear in the SWW parade, but Disney wishes to have a special 501st weekend the first weekend in June (either March 30-June 1 or June 6 -June 8). Also, it seems that costuming making clubs have inspired Disney to invest in new costumes for their characters.

Site News:

*We are in the process of making a new layout for the site. If any one has suggestions, please contact us! We will also feature a new TRIVIA section in preparation for the weekends, so please submit your star wars related questions!

*We need reporters for this year!! Please sign up! Also, if you have any pictures or reports from previous years, please send them so we can have material for this year's visitors to view!

*Make sure to check out our forums!!!

March Calendar:

March 1st: 501st/Rebel Legions Planet Hollywood Dinner
March 2nd- Day three of Megacon

March 17- International Star Wars Meetup Day

March 28-30- Creation Con (Star Wars actors GALORE!!!)
March 29-30- Lonestar Collectible Show (Shannon Baska!)

Wookiee Link:

*Remodel your desktop Star Wars Style: Fabulous Savers

Action Figure Review:

We have quite an irresponsible Han Solo1138...No Action Fig Review this week, sorry guys!

Wookiee Poll:

*This week's poll: Are you attending (or did you attend) any conventions this year?
A) Yes
B) No
C) Not sure yet

*Last Poll Results: Who is your favorite Star Wars Couple?
A) Han and Leia- 55%
B) Padme and Anakin- 27%
C) Luke and Mara Jade- 18%
D) Tarkin and Daala- 0%
E) Other- 0%


*Azeem2000- Cool Star Wars Costuming Tutorials.

*Costuming Tip: Sintra is a great material to shape for costume making. It is widely used to make stormtrooper armor and other pieces (such as the neck pieces from Padme's costume) Read more about it here.


*Well Ive redecorated my room and have come up with millions of bedroom decorating tips! Keep an eye out for those!

*MEGACON REVIEW: The convention was a blast! The 501st and Rebel Legions had their booth and brought multiple Star Wars articles to decorate! I must say the Empire police tape draped around their table was my favorite! Peter and Dave were the same as usual, and great! I have never seen so many costumed Star Wars fans in a sci-fi geared convention, and I must say that the Legions have started a new era of Star Wars fandom!

*This this week's bedroom decorating tip: Running out of space for your action figures? Buy a strong slinky (preferably metal), hang it from your ceiling, and hang you action figures upon it.

Wookiee Trivia:

*What language are the ewoks talking in after 3PO's god speech?

Basic! Listen closely!

Six Degrees of Star Wars:

*Tie Pilots to Jabba the Hutt

Tie Pilots > Darth Vader > Luke Skywalker > Jabba the Hutt

Tie Pilots follow Darth Vader's command, Darth Vader is Luke's father, Luke "negotiates" with Jabba the Hutt for Han Solo's life.

Well, that's it for Star Wars News this edition! If you would like to send anything for the next Newsie, email:
Princess Leiaorso ( for news, polls, costuming, fandom, calendar
Han Solo1138 ( for link, quote, six degrees, action fig review, trivia


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